From Brain Science
to Full Vision

Vision training software program, clinically and scientifically proven to improve vision in amblyopia, eye diseases, and vision impairments

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Home page Eye

Which Program is Right for You?

Lazy Eye / Amblyopia

Lazy Eye / Amblyopia

Read Without Glasses

Read Without Glasses

Post Cataract Surgery

Post Cataract Surgery

Low Myopia

Low Myopia

Sports Vision

Sports Vision

After Lasik

After Lasik

Eye Diseases /
Low Vision

Eye Diseases / Low Vision




The only FDA cleared product for adult amblyopia age 9+


Personalized Visual Stimulation

Long Lasting Results
No Need to Repeat


From the Comfort of Your Home

Improves Vision Beyond Surgery and Optical Corrections

Using Brain Science to Outdo Results

Human’s quality of vision depends on 2 factors:
  • Eye’s image capturing
  • Brain’s image processing
While the entire eye care industry focuses on correcting the eyes/ bending lights, RevitalVision focuses solely on the brain’s visual processing.
Blurred vision from the eyes can be improved by enhancing the brain’s visual processing. Using Gabor patches with patented stimulation technique, we facilitate neural connections at the cortical level, to stimulate specific neurons in the visual cortex and create new neural connections at the synapse level for long-lasting vision improvement.
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    U.S and Canada: 1.800.361.8218 | International: +972.77.212.3272
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